I am ridiculously strong.
All the traumas I experienced never made me weak.
I have said elsewhere that I am a survivor of extreme childhood abuse. I’ve also mentioned that I didn’t remember most of that abuse for most of my life. Well, only a few months after my memories of being beaten, molested, and raped began returning, a profound thought hit me one day:
I'm Superman, Captain Marvel, Batman, Thor, Ironman, and another hundred comic book heroes combined.

It isn't just that I physically survived being molested and raped as a kid. Yes, obviously I kept breathing. But I marched through my life as if nothing had happened—minus all that depression and anxiety, admittedly—and got A's in school and even earned a PhD.
No, much more importantly, I didn't let my trauma eat my soul. I'm not spending my life beating and raping kids. I didn't beat or kill puppies as a child, either, or burn down my school. I didn’t walk into the cafeteria and shoot up everyone with an AK-47. Instead, I cleaned my room and made good grades and memorized my weekly Bible verse for Sunday School and got "saved" and got baptized and became valedictorian.
Just to be clear, getting a PhD and being valedictorian is not what proves I'm strong. That's completely beside the point. My strength is evidenced by the fact I forged myself a life in spite of all this trauma. It wasn't easy.
Please support me by reading this article on Medium.com.