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It’s Not Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Dismantling stupid stereotypes about witches and Wicca

To be fair, I love the movie Hocus Pocus. And I have. For years.

But every time I watch it, I become increasingly more uncomfortable with a problem too many people overlook:

The movie’s insulting portrayal of witches.

If you know nothing about Wicca, that sentence probably looks fairly odd. I mean, aren’t all witches evil? Don’t witches worship Satan? Isn’t witchcraft about summoning Satan in the forest at night and offering him either virgins or children on an altar?

Oh, please.

Let’s get out of the Middle Ages. It’s the 21st century now.

While I don’t have a PhD in witchcraft, I do have a PhD in English, and I’m a novelist who only writes books if I include magic in them. And as a result of those two things, I’ve done a shit ton of research on the origin of the belief that witches worship Satan.

So let’s bust some stupid myths.

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